1·It provides a framework that enables you to build device adapters for device communications.
2·It provides a framework to build device adapters for device communications, and also provides a location for business logic with low latency requirements.
3·This is a managed (.NET) Framework that helps developers build claims-aware applications and services, that connect to the STS.
4·However, if roles are contextual, based on specific usage of the application, then there may be a need to buy or build an authorization framework.
5·These are valid questions, all of which need to be addressed in the way you build the framework for defining and managing the delivery and future lifecycle of your portal.
6·This is a very simple example, but it is easy to see how "real applications" can take advantage of this framework to build richer, fuller bundles of functionality.
7·There are two main types of expertise you need to capture in order to build an MDD framework: logical (functional) architecture expertise and technical architecture expertise.
为了构建 MDD 框架,您需要获取两个主要类型的专家经验: 逻辑的(功能的)架构经验和 技术的架构经验。
8·This gives me a nice framework to build in and makes the text inside look real nice.
9·Programmers have to essentially build a framework for the web site.
10·You use the framework to build custom connectors.